
Ezera Skaņas (Sounds of the Lake) is a musical, visual and metaphysical event that starts before sunrise – 5:00 AM. The event unfolds on a stage that floats in the middle of a distant lake, deep in the Latvian countryside (Kala Lake, Vestiena).

People attend the event in their boats. There is silence and darkness all around the lake. The performance grows along with the rising light and culminates with the sunrise.

This project is organised by a group of filmmakers and designers. It evolves in an ongoing story – a story of solitude and silence. The music and visual objects reflect the changing landscape. The audience become the main characters, freely floating in their own boats.

The festival is free from any names. The line-up remains secret. According to the organisers: “this secrecy is there to ensure a complete freedom both for the artists and the audience. There are no expectations, the space is open for new things to happen.”

The festival started as a voluntary initiative in 2012. It was attended by 20 people in 10 boats. In 2015 Ezera Skanas was already attended by 5000 people in 1200 boats. People came from all over the world turning this one morning into a unifying experience.

More info:

Afiša Bangos

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